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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Rohan kompella Blog #3- Decisions and Regrets

 Decisions and Regrets 

    "A mistake is not something to be determined after the fact, but in light of the information available until that point" - Nassim tales

I consider a decision to be a thought process of one individual that particular time and perspective; it can be me here writing this blog in taking or considering a few relevant thoughts or facts, and it could be you or someone else reading this blog in any perspective that you or they have at that particular time; it completely depends on their own sensibilities, perspective of taking things, and it could even be reading this blog with emotion that they have at that particular time which can boring or annoying, 

So decisions are something we make at a certain point in time when and where we believe they are correct, and the context of those decisions may and does alter even a second later.  

When and while considering about REGRETS, I believe individuals examine them in a reputational context in their lives, in considering aspects of other people's views, opinions that are less useful than their own.

I never took any decision of mine for REGRET, the reason is that, at that point of time I made a decision which I considered correct for a while and it can be me realizing the decision as wrong maybe the very next second but I never had my thoughts or time or my energy wasted in looking back at my decisions, 

Regrets are something, I consider to be a pointless activity in life; it has no impact on your life unless you decide it's pointless. It's a worrying emotion that makes you feel incredibly worthless. I've never regretted any of my actions, even when they went wrong, and I've never looked back on them, the reason I feel or believe I have no regrets is because of one of my favorite lines from 

Ayn Rand's Fountainhead, in which she says,

“I regret nothing. There have been things I missed, but I ask no questions, because I have loved it, such as it has been, even the moments of emptiness, even the unanswered-and that I loved it, that is the unanswered in my life.”

Soo, I believe decision making is completely a thought process of that particular situation and time or can be circumstances that actually can be one of the reasons for you to make decision and regretting on that decision is completely pointless and an useless activity.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Rohan Kompella Blog #2 - My Views on Internet

The Internet is something I love to write about and talk about. 

The Internet, on the very first thought, is itself something that, apart from technical aspects, I believe it's something that helps us connect to the world. It can be me sitting on one side of the world, and it can be someone else who could be on the other side of the world reading this blog and expressing their views. 

I do not know any technical aspects of the internet. There can be various reasons in existence for the cause of being illiterate about the net, and when I actually gave myself a chance to try out the internet, here I'm this blogger writing this blog. 

I do believe the Internet is itself something I personally consider one of humanity's greatest inventions, or something they built greater than the Egyptian pyramids. The reason is that when I was conscious enough to know about the internet, it was something I heard from people talking to each other about emails. It was then I heard a few words which actually made me curious about knowing the answer to a question I had raised for myself, "How can someone send a message without the general messages aka SMS?" And in due course, with time, I started to hear more things and opinions from people on the internet.

It's an intangible asset that every person is eligible to use, and I do believe the maximum percentage of one's own problems can be solved with the help of the internet. It's never in a psychical form but has helped us a lot in advancing our worlds, and, individually, if you can access the internet, you can access anything and whatever you want from any corner of the world. It could be someone else's date in the metaverse, virtual world, VRs, or any other technology that exists right this second. 

It can be you making yourself aware of things before getting cheated, it can be you making things work with the help of the internet, and it can even be you alone changing the market or having the world media pay attention to your lines of statements on Twitter.

With a click of the internet, it can be a high school student studying and researching subjects at a higher level than their grade. At times, I wonder when I hear news about 12-year-old hackers who can access deep webs or anything relevant. It could be their own level of curiosity in learning things and using them. 

So, after hearing about the Internet and using it, in time, I understood that the Internet is itself a world with vast knowledge access and anyone from where I do think they can learn whatever and do whatever they want to.

Rohan Kompella #1-My Blog

Hey, there....! This is Rohan's blog, and it's a collection of my random thoughts on different subjects or contexts, as well as my thoughts and views on various issues, which might be stuff I thought of a second before writing this blog or anything else I thought of too.....

Rohankompella blog Article#11- "Threads of Beauty: A Saree's Poetic Tale"

In threads of vibrant hue, a saree draped, Red, green, and golden brown, emotions shaped. The red, like passion's fire, within you burns...