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Monday, September 5, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#10 - Love to Hate and Hate to Love

Whenever we love something so deeply, we eventually come to hate it.

Why do we reject what we adore?

For the sake of this inquiry, I think that loving things is something we do when we enjoy them, when we feel as though as we should have them, and it's possible that we even have the same sentiments at the moment, but I still think that we love things to the point of exhaustion. We are supposed to develop a belief in the concept of loving things for a very long time, but I still think that the emotional component is absent when something is initially liked and then later comes to be loved. For instance, We sometimes think about listening to a song we love with the one person we usually live with, but when the same music is used as an alarm, we get annoyed after two or three snoozes and finally we listen to it once a day, once a week, or even once a month.

Studies have shown that we dislike things in order to forget them because we cannot forget the things we love. Our brain requires hatred in order to forget things, therefore this may be a significant factor in why we dislike the things we formerly liked. Hatred can be directed towards any tangible quality or feature of a specific person, circumstance, music, or other thing. 

Rohankompella blog Article#11- "Threads of Beauty: A Saree's Poetic Tale"

In threads of vibrant hue, a saree draped, Red, green, and golden brown, emotions shaped. The red, like passion's fire, within you burns...