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Monday, September 18, 2023

Rohankompella blog Article#11- "Threads of Beauty: A Saree's Poetic Tale"

In threads of vibrant hue, a saree draped,
Red, green, and golden brown, emotions shaped.
The red, like passion's fire, within you burns,
A canvas for your love, in every twist and turns.

Green, an unexpected choice, yet so profound,
Nature's essence in your soul, can be found.
Psychological depths, a vibrant green does hide,
Within your heart and mind, it's intertwined.

But it's the golden border, a radiant trace,
That mirrors your inner beauty's golden grace.
Like molten gold, your essence pure and rare,
In this saree, a masterpiece, beyond compare.

So, in your attire, colors weave and blend,
Metaphors of your psyche, beauty without end.
Red, green, and gold, a story to be told,
Of the exotic, emotional, and pure heart of gold.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#10 - Love to Hate and Hate to Love

Whenever we love something so deeply, we eventually come to hate it.

Why do we reject what we adore?

For the sake of this inquiry, I think that loving things is something we do when we enjoy them, when we feel as though as we should have them, and it's possible that we even have the same sentiments at the moment, but I still think that we love things to the point of exhaustion. We are supposed to develop a belief in the concept of loving things for a very long time, but I still think that the emotional component is absent when something is initially liked and then later comes to be loved. For instance, We sometimes think about listening to a song we love with the one person we usually live with, but when the same music is used as an alarm, we get annoyed after two or three snoozes and finally we listen to it once a day, once a week, or even once a month.

Studies have shown that we dislike things in order to forget them because we cannot forget the things we love. Our brain requires hatred in order to forget things, therefore this may be a significant factor in why we dislike the things we formerly liked. Hatred can be directed towards any tangible quality or feature of a specific person, circumstance, music, or other thing. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#9 - Beauty in the Midst of Ugliness

Imagine a pair of eyes that continuously distracted you and kept you caught between her ideas and reality, like a black hole swallowing everything it could into itself, including planets, stars, moons, dust, and other objects.

Concept art for
Beauty in the midst of Ugliness
This is my book a tribute for that one beauty that roam and live among the ugly people which made my eyes to adore and admire the beauty rather than letting my eyes believing what's not actually beautiful to believe as beautiful?

From a pure soul to a pure smile, every component of this book—which includes essays, words, lines, and my poetry that I hope will make her happy—has my words, my time, and my thoughts. Let it be a homage to that one special lady, who has a pure smile and a pure heart.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#8- Fear of Fear

There are certain things that once figured out how they make me feel fear but with few factors of respective concerns, I started to figure out what's actually making me feel fear and never felt the fear again. 

Fear is something that doesn't have a shape or form, it just exists in our brain making us to worry rather than thinking and with that feel of fear, we make certain decisions that make the upcoming consequences even more worse. 

    Why do people fear for fear? 
Because, it's something that we don't know, 
                    Imagine a night with breezy air, howling foxes and owls and while walking on a road alone, you started to hear sounds of stepping sounds on dry leaves fallen on ground, breaking of twigs and weird sounds that actually make you out feel fear, 

Here is the source of fear is 'UNKNOWN", and imagine it's just a cat or a dog, you relax yourself, cause you know it's not something that, so the fear is something we pretend to exist but still it's just about the fact and factor of in existence of it, 

    There are times where even I felt fear, because, for a certain time period I don't know what's actually making me feel fear but eventually when I started to figure out what exactly making me feel fear is the moment I lost the fear for that particular incident and whenever the fear repeats, I analyze the situations around me and I observe things in an aerial view and observe the factors working to make me feel fear and plan up to defend them and attack my fear .........

Monday, June 13, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#7- Plenty Thoughts from and Empty brain
Here’s my first book
”Plenty thoughts from an Empty Brain”
Every infant is born and given and gifted with an empty brain and eventually with considerable factors of ageing and maturing we eventually learn many things, acquire knowledge by analyzing things and feed our empty brains with certain information and knowledge, 
So, this book deals with things I learnt in my level of contexts and perspectives about various aspects I went through with expression of my views, ideas, opinions....

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Rohankompella blog Article#6 - NOT A LOVE STORY

 The news that my friend shared in my class hours disturbed my sleep that I felt with my lecturer's boring class, even since I heard of the first crime, I was always in a state of curious to know and study about the mind state of  criminals for their respective crimes. 

But then it was few and certain crimes that actually grabbed my attention, 

"Minor Daughter kills her father with the help of her boyfriend" 

"A Girl killed her mother with her boyfriend and cut her into pieces, packed into bags and thrown at junkyard and few more random places", 

the 2008 Mumbai murder, and many more headlines that grabbed my attention towards it rather than my classes and that occupied my thoughts where, I went out of class in thoughts, taken aback. I could not, for the life of me, acknowledge how soo odd a everyday, ordinary people could bring themselves to commit such a evil act. 

Than the crime it was that incident, known as love story, being a cause and hiding behind those hair-raising incidents shocked and surprised me more. 

I believe and assure you that to an extent that this Love story is NOT A LOVE STORY

Rohankompella blog Article#11- "Threads of Beauty: A Saree's Poetic Tale"

In threads of vibrant hue, a saree draped, Red, green, and golden brown, emotions shaped. The red, like passion's fire, within you burns...